Free course on creativity
Diving into Radical Creativity MOOC is freely available to anyone, from professionals in different fields to students and life-wide learners. Material is based on research and latest knowledge.
Just register and start exploring!

Gain certificate or explore freely
You can jump into the course anywhere you like and work through the sections you’re interested in. You’ll get study badges for completing chapters. The complete course is worth 3 study credits.

Combine different fields to create new
You will dive deep into multidisciplinary creative worlds. You’ll meet engineers, start-up founders, artists, physicists, chemists, designers, and social change-makers — all aspiring toward radical creativity.

Inspirational learning materials
Interesting activities will challenge you to unlock your creativity through reading, listening, watching videos, and exploring case studies. Activate your thinking through quizzes and assignments, and apply your creativity in hands-on activities.
Radical creativity film

Free course
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