1. Introduction

In this chapter, we will explore the importance, definitions and different perspectives of radical creativity.

What does radical creativity mean?

Welcome to the 1st chapter of this course, ‘Introduction’. In this chapter, we focus on the what, why and where aspects of radical creativity.

We discuss possible ways to define radical creativity, why it is worth understanding its outcomes, and in which areas of society we can observe evidence of radical creativity.

After completing this chapter, you will be able to grasp the significance of radical creativity and its possible application to different areas. Here are the detailed learning outcomes for this chapter:

  • Differentiate between incremental creativity and radical creativity, identifying their distinctive features.
  • Explain the essential conditions necessary for the emergence and development of radical creativity within organizational contexts.
  • Evaluate Aalto University as a case study where radical creativity is nurtured and put into practice.
  • Gain awareness of the significance of radically creative ideas in the fields of research, entrepreneurship, and the arts.

This first chapter, ‘Introduction’, like all chapters in this course, contains the chapter introduction you are now reading, as well as five sub-chapters. Completion requirements include finishing the tasks to this chapter introduction as well as to a minimum of 3 sub-chapters.

We will start the course with a short teaser video ‘Introduction to Radical Creativity” where you
can familiarize yourself with the general topic and set a personal learning goal.

Introduction film • 5 minutes

Introduction to Radical Creativity

This short video features some important ideas from this chapter. The water imagery represents the flow and change in our creativity, reminding you that you can always find new ways to interpret your creativity.

Enjoy the visuals, interviews, and real-life examples in the video. Get ready to dive into the world of radical creativity!


After watching the teaser video, take a moment to reflect on what you have thought or felt.

Consider the key themes presented, such as radical creativity and the interviews with the variety of professionals from different fields, researchers, students, and teachers. Think about the discussions and how they resonate with you personally.

Now, it is time to set a personal learning goal for this chapter. What aspect of radical creativity interests you the most? Is there a particular skill or mindset you would like to develop further? Write down your goal in clear and specific terms. Make sure it is achievable within the scope of this course.

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