2. Individual

In this chapter, we explore the individual facets of radical creativity that relate to ourselves and our creative identity.

How can I become more creative?

Welcome to the 2nd chapter of this course, ‘Individual’. In this chapter, we explore topics such as creative and critical thinking, imagination, and curiosity.

We will also investigate the creative mindset and actions that introduce us to the individual aspects of radical creativity. While we delve into our creativity, we also understand how to position ourselves within the world in which we are situated and how creativity enhances our well-being.

After completing this chapter, you will be able to recognize the skills of risk-taking, coping with uncertainty, and proceeding with not-knowing in building a creative identity. Here are the detailed learning outcomes for this chapter:

  • Define creative thinking and identify examples of creative thinking in personal and others’ activities.
  • Explain the factors that motivate you to take risks and deal with uncertainty in the creative process.
  • Evaluate and demonstrate strategies to cultivate curiosity, imagination, and critical thinking to identify the challenges that require radically creative solutions.
  • Understand how to develop your creative identity based on self-awareness and reflection.
  • Gain awareness of how different types of creative work contribute in different ways to your well-being.

This second chapter, ‘Individual’, contains this chapter introduction, as well as five sub-chapters. Completion requirements include finishing the tasks to this chapter introduction as well as to a minimum of 3 sub-chapters.

We will start the course with a short teaser video, ‘Individual Creativity’, where you can familiarize yourself with the general topic and set a personal learning goal.

Introduction film • 5 minutes

Individual Creativity

Watch the video to explore core chapter ideas through quick interviews, discussions on radical creativity, and real-life stories. Pay attention to lively interactions, including conversations with children, symbolizing the boundless potential and curiosity inherent in creativity. Get ready to explore your own creativity!


After watching the teaser, we encourage you to ponder on the themes introduced, such as individual opinions on radical creativity and a real-life story.

Take a moment to meditate and revisit your childhood memories. Close your eyes and recall a moment where you experienced doubts or fears similar to those expressed by the main character’s inner voice on the video:

“It’s too scary.”

“What if I fail?”

“What if I get ridiculed and laughed at?”

Consider the surroundings, the people present, and the emotions you felt. If this memory was uncomfortable, choose an alternative one where you rather embrace your creativity.

After completing this memory exercise, try to reflect on your creative journey. Utilize your childhood memory as a foundation to guide you in setting a personal learning objective for this chapter. Consider which aspect of individual creativity captivates you the most. Are there specific skills or mindsets you wish to enhance further? Write down your goal clearly and specifically, making sure it’s achievable within this course.

You have already completed this assignment.