3. Process

In this chapter, we introduce the core steps of the creative process essential for employing methods of radical creativity.

How can creativity address challenges?

Welcome to the third chapter of this course, ‘Process’. In this chapter, we explore the essential steps and processes of radical creativity.

From generating innovative ideas to refining them into actionable solutions, we will delve into the dynamics of the creative process and offer practical insights to unlock your creative potential. Various methods focusing on ideation, experimentation, piloting, and implementation will be introduced to help you turn your ideas into reality.

After completing this chapter, you will be able to apply different creativity methods to overcome real-life challenges. Here are the detailed learning outcomes for this chapter:

  • Understand the theory and methods of the creative process
  • Become familiar with the ways organizations can manage for creativity
  • Learn ideation techniques
  • Understand how serendipity is an important element in radical creativity
  • Recognize what is needed for ideas to become implemented

This third chapter, Process, contains this chapter introduction, as well as five sub-chapters. The course requirements are to complete the introduction and at least three sub-chapters.

We’ll start the chapter with a short teaser video, Creative Process, which will familiarize you with the general topic and help you set a personal learning goal.

Introduction film • 6 minutes

Creative Process

Watch the video to learn about some important ideas that introduce the themes of this chapter. Listen closely to the interviews with experts, discussions about what the creative process is like, and real-life examples of multidisciplinary collaboration and experimentation. Enjoy the visuals of the video, with water symbols showing how ‘eureka’ moments can come as surprises and then crystallize as they come to the surface throughout the process. Get ready to embark on this exciting journey of creativity!


After watching the teaser video, consider this statement about how radical creativity emerges in a non-linear way and how using multiple forms of expression is a superpower that creates a language understood more widely, revealing connections that weren’t apparent before.

‘As a creative, you are trained not to do A, B, C, D, E, F, G. You are taught to connect A and G via W and to see the relations between very disparate fields, almost like red lines connecting. And then to pull them together in one frame that works.’

Julia Lohmann, Professor of Contemporary Design at Aalto University

Now, recall a situation in which you were connected with your creativity as a superpower to overcome a challenge. Did you experience similar ‘eureka’ moments where you ended up with unexpected outcomes or solutions, despite the uncertainty and complexity of the situation? How did you navigate the challenge, and what insights did you gain from it? Reflect briefly on your experience and set a personal learning goal for this chapter.

Well done! You have successfully completed this assignment.