About the course

Solving complex challenges requires diverse, new perspectives and working methods. Aalto Radical Creatives MOOC from Aalto University provides a flexible and personalized learning experience that adapts to your preferences and goals.

Radical creativity is needed to face the challenges of the future and keep up with the ever-accelerating pace of change organisations are dealing with. It is associated with ‘moonshot’ thinking and ideation, which empowers individuals to look for novel and unexpected solutions to the complex challenges we face today. A multidisciplinary group of researchers from Aalto is researching the strategic focus on radical creativity, and this course is the team’s initial step in applying the research findings to teaching.

How to enroll

Take a personalized learning journey with Aalto Radical Creativity MOOC. Start from the introductory chapter and navigate freely between other chapters and sub-chapters. How you learn is up to you!


Aalto Students

Register here to create an account. After logging in, click on Course Overview, and press ‘Read chapter’ on the first chapter. After successfully completing the course you can download an official Aalto University course Certificate.

Students from other universities

Register here to create an account. After logging in, click on Course Overview, and press ‘Read chapter’ on the first chapter. After successfully completing the course you can download an official Aalto University course Certificate.

Everyone else

Register here to create an account. After logging in, click on Course Overview, and press ‘Read chapter’ on the first chapter.

What you will learn

Take a personalized learning journey with Aalto Radical Creativity MOOC. Start from the introductory chapter and navigate freely between other chapters and sub-chapters. How you learn is up to you!

Significance of radical creativity

Grasp the significance of radical creativity and its possible application to different areas.

Skills of risk-taking

Recognize the skills of risk-taking, coping with uncertainty, and proceeding with not-knowing in building a creative identity.

Creativity methods

Apply different creativity methods to overcome real-life challenges.

Multidisciplinary collaboration

Analyze the dynamics between the individual, the team, and the community in the context of multidisciplinary collaboration.

Systems view, novelty, and innovations

Distinguish the power of radical creativity in shaping the world through systems view, novelty, and innovations.

New ideas & experimentation

Gain self-confidence in developing new ideas, experimenting, and learning from failures.

How to complete the course

This course consists of five chapters and each chapter has multiple sub-chapters. In the course of each sub-chapter, there is either a quiz or a reflection assignment so that you can reflect on what you have learned.

Learn more in FAQ

Build your own learning path

Mix your own learning path right from the start or make it as you go – the order and structure is up to you.

Complete 15 sub-chapters for 3 credits

Finish a minimum of 5 chapter introductions and 15 sub-chapters to complete the course and earn 3 credits.

Finish required activities

Take diverse activities after each chapter, blending real life activities with reflections and quizzes.

Get an official course certificate

After successfully completing the course you can download an official Aalto University course Certificate with a unique verification code from the ‘My Course’ page.

Share your journey

You can share your course certificates in the Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.

Meet the team

Meet the Multidisciplinary Team

Turkan Firinci Orman, Project Manager (teacher in charge, coordinator)

Oana Velcu-Laitinen, Specialist (teacher, content writer) 

Paulo Dziobczenski, Specialist (teacher, content writer)

Riikka Mäkikoskela, Project owner 

Tiina Toivola, Communications


Advisory Board Members

Tua Björklund, ENG

Tuuli Mattelmäki, ARTS

Ville Eloranta, BIZ/IDBM

Henri Weijo, BIZ

Salu Ylirisku, ELEC

Antti Karttunen, CHEM

Satu Kyösola, ARTS

Niina Nurmi, SCI 

Juha Martikainen, ITS

Esa Salmio, LES


Special thanks to:

Pirjo Kääriäinen

Virpi Roto

Astrid Huopalainen

Johannes Kaira

Tomi Kauppinen

Eivor Biese

Robert Salven 

Anna Savisaari

Adam Tickle

Anna Berg

Jon Fabritius

Oliver Manner

Taneli Tuovinen

Kalle Airo


Get started now

Creating an account takes just a minute. Start your journey to Radical Creativity now!
