5. Impact

In this chapter, we explore how radical creativity impacts our lives, both individually and as a society, by bringing about significant changes for the better.

How does radical creativity shape the world?

Welcome to the 5th chapter of this course, ‘Impact’. In this chapter, we highlight how radical creativity positively transforms not only our individual lives but also broader societal structures, crucial for addressing contemporary challenges.

We discuss past and present examples of radical creativity that have made systemic impacts, driven paradigm shifts, and fostered novelty and innovation across various fields such as economics, technology, research, arts, and sciences. You will envision your involvement in projects capable of sustainably transforming our society.

After completing this chapter, you will be able to distinguish the power of radical creativity in shaping the world through systems view, novelty, and innovations. Here are the detailed learning outcomes for this chapter:

  • Identify drivers for systemic impact in creative projects.
  • Explain the components of a knowledge domain’s paradigm and the cycles through which it’s replaced by a new paradigm with greater explanatory power.
  • Assess how to connect with your innate creativity to identify opportunities that will shape future solutions for current sustainable development goals.
  • Examine how to foster societal transformation through creative or educational initiatives.
  • Compare how incremental, disruptive, and radical innovations contribute to society’s economic value and impact consumers’ daily lives, while also distinguishing radical creativity from innovation.

This fifth chapter, ‘Impact’, contains this chapter introduction, as well as five sub-chapters. Completion requirements include finishing the tasks to this chapter introduction as well as to a minimum of 3 sub-chapters.

We will start this chapter with a short teaser video “Impact of Radical Creativity” where you can familiarize yourself with the general topic and set a personal learning goal.

Introduction film • 4:30 minutes

Impact of Radical Creativity

Watch the video to grasp chapter themes via impactful examples of radical creativity’s innovation. Reflect on its positive impact and potential for tackling unresolved, significant issues through inventive solutions. Get ready to delve into the power and influence of radical creativity!


After watching the teaser, take a moment to reflect on the theme of impact of radical creativity.

Imagine radical creativity as a magic wand – what would you wish to impact with it? Brainstorm and identify potential positive changes it could bring to your life or society. Consider personal growth, professional development, societal progress, and environmental sustainability. Let your creativity flow freely, generating bold ideas without constraints. Then, write down the most intriguing and meaningful theme for you to explore from the perspective of radical creativity’s impact.  

Reflect on your insights and own experiences to establish personal learning goals related to the impact of radical creativity.

Well done! You have successfully completed this assignment.